Here we are folks, on week four of our 2018 Self Care Challenge!
Wow. Can't believe it.
Our last week for "Make a Change - Made a Difference" might be harder than you think... Try it and let me know!
Challenge 4
For five days "Do One Thing" that you have put off doing.
Register at the Health Storylines App,
use the My Journal tool.
Register at the Health Storylines App,
use the My Journal tool.
To do just one thing that you have been putting off can make a HUGE difference in your life.
Register at the Health Storylines App,
use the My Journal tool.
We are not talking big tasks, we are talking small, pithy little things that have been on your "to-do" list and have escaped accomplishment. These little things might be to write a thank you note to an old friend, to mend a sweater, to start a project. These are "back-burner" items that have been simmering away for months if not years.
Now is the time to do one! Even if you do not finish it in one day, that's fine. Just pick up the project, start a new one, finish an old one. Do that one nagging thing that keeps your hamsters busy at 2AM when the rest of the world sleeps.
1. Carefully and with intention find one task to accomplish.
2. No excuses. Just start it.
3. Appreciate the feeling as you accomplish this item.
4. Record feelings in My Journal
5. Share the moment: #EMPOWERStudyMS #challenge #dowhatyoucan #takeTHATms #selfcareMVMT
As you grow in your practice throughout these challenges, be mindful of your awareness and intentions. You will find that your morning intentions will blend in with afternoon creating a full morning of gratitude. Your meals will become a healing event rather than a shoveling of food. Even your ability to put off doing things will change, and amazing amounts of stress will be lifted.
Let these intentions carry you away into a beautiful positive life.
Let these intentions carry you away into a beautiful positive life.
Register at the Health Storylines App,
use the My Journal tool.
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Because together we’ve got this!
#EMPOWERStudyMS #dowhatyoucan #spon #takethatms
And the size of task does not matter! I've always wanted to go to the Long Beach Aquarium. After finishing some tasks, treated myself to a visit.
I went, kissed a frog, and found my prince!
Register at the Health Storylines App,
use the My Journal tool.
brought to you by Caroline Craven, GirlwithMS and Health Storylines
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