What is multiple sclerosis and how might essential oils help?
(I am not a medical professional - these are just my thoughts and those of others)
According to the National MS Society:
"Multiple sclerosis (MS) involves an immune-mediated process in which an abnormal response of the body’s immune system is directed against the central nervous system (CNS), which is made up of the brain, spinal cord and optic nerves. The exact antigen — or target that the immune cells are sensitized to attack — remains unknown, which is why MS is considered by many experts to be "immune-mediated" rather than "autoimmune."
And we know MS as being a royal pain the rear. So how can we learn to live just a bit better? Because sometimes it just takes a "bit"!

With this in mind, it's time to try some natural solutions that might help calm the autoimmune response and find overall health in the body, mind and soul. Time for essential oils!
I have had positive results using several oils for everything from sleep, nervousness to clearer breathing and wanting more energy. I have found better living through essential oils. Quality of essential oils is a must. The highest quality insures the safest and most effective way to use essential oils whether it's ingested or used topically.

Another article: Essential Oils - a deeper look into its benefits
The beginning is always the toughest. Taking that first step. Well, I did and I am not looking back! Essential oils are helping me manage my MS so I can live better. There is a lot to learn about which oils might help you for which MS symptom.
Check out the 10 top smelling essential oils
Time to change your medicine cabinet!
I am excited about continuing to change my medicine cabinet! Essential oils can help with many issues, medical, mental or physical. I started with the Oil solution for allergies, asthma and it sold me! One inhale and ten times better.
Another article: Essential Oils - a deeper look into its benefits
In learning more about essential oils and multiple sclerosis I came across the following protocol for possibly helping with MS:

Please remember: I am not a medical professional and do not make recommendations just suggestions that you might want to check out further. Sometimes you got to try everything to see what works for you.
a possible MS protocol with essential oils -

Essential Oil Users Have Found The Following To Assist In Multiple Sclerosis Support:
The Life Long Vitality supplements are suggested by some.
Initial Cleanse
Depending upon health of patient, start with the GX Assist and the PB Assist in a protocol of 10 days GX, 5 days PB, wait 10 days and repeat, wait 10 days and repeat. Do this quarterly. This is a cleanse specifically designed for auto immune disease.
Drop 2-3 drops of Frankincense under the tongue 4 times a day for two weeks.
Another article: Essential Oils - a deeper look into its benefits
Continue the Lifelong Vitality supplements
Morning: Topically apply Peppermint to the bottoms of the feet, take internally, and diffuse.
During the day: add 1-3 drops of Lemon to each glass of water. (drink lots of water-use glass containers ONLY) and ONLY if FRESh lemon is not available (fresh is always best!)
Evening: Topically apply Frankincense to the bottoms of the feet, take internally, and diffuse.
Make a mix of following MS recipe:
· 10 drops Helichrysum
· 10 drops Frankincense
· 10 drops Sandalwood
· 5 drops Basil
· 3 drops Peppermint
Rub 1-3 drops of the MS recipe on brain reflexology points, the forehead, temples and mastoids (just behind the ears) and massage 6-8 drops of oil blend from the base of the skull down the spine
-I personally do not take essential oils internally. Everyone is different. Do what you want and feel best for you. Diffusing and topical application seem to work just great for m!
Additional Ideas:
Other ideas (Listen to your body, it will tell you what you need). Consider the following for their benefits:
· If a flare up or an exacerbation occurs layer (topically apply one oil after another with 1 to 5 minutes between) Peppermint and Frankincense on the bottoms of the feet and/or the affected area.
· If discouraged diffuse Citrus Bliss or other uplifting oils.
· To prevent picking up a infectious disease (that might trigger an exacerbation) diffuse OnGuard or Purify regularly. Rub OnGuard on the feet nightly.
Also consider these oils in supplemental ways:
· Helichrysum – strong regenerative properties for nerve tissue
· Sandalwood – similar properties as frankincense (antibacterial, antiviral, soothing)
· Clove – one of the strongest agents to kill pathogens
Another article: Essential Oils - a deeper look into its benefits
I had never heard of helichrysum before. (I have helichrysum on order!) it's part of the daisy family, asteraceae. I will check it out more on this oil. Looks promising!
There are many benefits to using essential oils for holistic health and wellness. Any time we can find alternative ways to reach a healthy life, it's worth it!
It's time to be aware of what we put in our bodies. And while essential oils are not medicine nor will they "heal" your MS, there are oils that can help some of the symptoms seem not so bad.
Other favorites of mine:
Leg cramps: lemon grass, basil
Sleeping issues: lavender, cedar wood, serenity
Nerve pain: aroma touch, past tense.
What are some of your favorites?
Another article: Essential Oils - a deeper look into its benefits

I had never heard of helichrysum before. (I have helichrysum on order!) it's part of the daisy family, asteraceae. I will check it out more on this oil. Looks promising!
Other favorites of mine:
Leg cramps: lemon grass, basil
Sleeping issues: lavender, cedar wood, serenity
Nerve pain: aroma touch, past tense.
What are some of your favorites?
Another article: Essential Oils - a deeper look into its benefits

Wow, this is awesome! I recently connected with someone else who informed me of DoTerra and I am extremely interested in working this into my treatment plan for my MS, possibly instead of the medication I am currently taking and in addition to the special Paleo diet that I am following. Any suggestions of where to start? Also, I have a blog at www.thepeacefulpaleo.com if you want to connect further!
Hi Natalie, let's chat! Lots of ways to get started with essential oils. 818-585-5660
I'll check out your site too! Would love to connect too! Cc
Speaking to you helped me so much! I feel so lost! I am so grateful for you taking the time out of your day to communicate with me! I cant wait to read your book!
Samantha Redmond
I would love to talk with you about EO's and my MS.
In your article above you mention "the following protocol" but outside of you referencing helichrysium, I don't see a protocol?? Am I missing something?
Ms. Caroline. You're so awesome. Thank You very much for the pep talk. I look forward to speaking to you again.
I'm with Young Living and I find the oils are far to expensive and don't last long at all, I decided to only get the toothpaste and mouthwash.....other than that no amount of sniffing or taking oil has helped me....only cannabis oil helps me.
The MS Recipe - Is that to be used neat or to be put with carrier oil in a roller ball?
The MS Recipe - Is that to be used neat or to be put with carrier oil in a roller ball?
I had my first attack of multiple sclerosis (MS) when I was 33, I wasn't diagnosed until seven months later when I became totally numb from the neck down. It was so terrifying that I began dropping things and losing the dexterity in my fingers, having severe fatigue and muscle weakness. A horrible itch began on my chest with no rash present. I sometimes can't walk straight and fall onto walls and I get random prickles in my hands and legs.all the English medications i used proved abortive. i was so frustrated that i had to contact My neurologist,he told me about a new RRMS (relapsing-remitting MS) drug which was only in its trial stage, CAMPATH. I started the chemo-type treatment and some prescribed drugs like: AVONEX, BETASERON, COPAXONE and REBIF. which resulted in 1st seizure of my life, thereby adding more salt to my injury. As a result to proffer solution to my problems, i started going online in search for a cure, i came across a testimony of a woman who got her cure through HERBAL MEDICATION, at first, i doubted because of the misconception that multiple sclerosis can not be cured. But i later contacted the Doctor through the email provided, and I used his Herbal product, after 1 month of use, I noticed tremendous improvement in my health, 5 months after, I can proudly say, I've been totally cured by Dr.Allen's Herbal Medication from MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS..., If you have the same health issue, you may contact him for a total change of story, Via: drallenchase@gmail.com. I believe your predicament will be a thing of the past just like mine.
Hi! I was diagnosed in 2011. I've been on Copaxon, Avvonex, and most recently Aubagio. I just stopped taking it because the meds make me feel worse than the disease. I've been doing oils for about a year and just found your MS recipe. I am interested in trying it out - I also wondered if we needed to mix it with a carrier oil - I've heard applying "neat" isn't always a good idea.
One other thing our family has started doing is trying to eat organic and make homemade seasonings as much as possible.
I'm also getting ready to switch to homemade cleaners because the smells give me really bad headaches.
To those that thing YL is really expensive, I'm in the same boat. Just found a company that many say is just as good but more affordable - check out Eden's Garden. I plan to order some of these oils from them and try them out.
Thanks again for this information.
I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in October 2011, at the age of 44. I woke up one morning with numbness in my lower back and legs, I couldn't feel my feet touching the floor. I saw my doctor and had an MRI to see if I had a disc problem, it was negative and she told me she feared MS. I was sent to a neurologist, had two more MRIs, and was told that night that I have four lesions on my spine MS. I tried every shots available but nothing worked. In 2015, my neurologist and I decided to go with natural treatment and was introduced to NewLife Herbal Clinic natural organic MS Herbal formula, i had a total decline of symptoms with this treatment, the numbness, terrible back pains, stiffness, body weakness, double vision, depression and others has subsided. Visit NewLife Herbal Clinic official website www. newlifeherbalclinic. com or email info@ newlifeherbalclinic. com.
This treatment is a breakthrough for all suffering from Multiple sclerosis, i am strong again!
I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2012, and I was 40yrs. They put me on Rebif which I took until 2012 and was switched to Copaxone. I had two relapses on Rebif, none on Copaxone. I noticed my balance getting worse, and my memory, as well as muscle spasms. I'm 47 now, In Febuary this year my neurologist referred me to Dr Oduwa herbal home, i immediately started on their natural organic MS Herbal treatment. I had a total decline in all symptoms including the balance, fatigue, muscle spasms, Pain, excessive urination and others. message Dr Oduwa herbal home on their email { info@droduwaherbalhome.com } or You can visit his website at https://droduwaherbalhome.com The MS treatment totally reversed my Multiple Sclerosis condition and most amazingly i can go about my daily activities!
It causes difficulty and complexity in motor neurons which initially cause an imbalance, walking disability, and muscle spasms. To move from one place to another, you can use power wheelchair for user comfortable.
Amazing information...keep write for us..
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Carrier oils
Essential oils
I learnt about Mayaka Herbal Clinic (ww w. mayakaherbalclinic. c om) and their Multiple Sclerosis Formula treatment through an MS support group on facebook, I quickly started on the treatment. Few months on the treatment, my speech problems and tremors mysterious stopped, had improvement with balance and walking. This Multiple sclerosis treatment relieved my symptoms significantly. Thank you for giving those of us with Multiple sclerosis a new hope.
i don't usually talk much on the internet but i had to open up this time because a miracle happened in my life . After struggling with Multiple sclerosis for 3 years I finally got cured by Dr Peter and keeping it to myself will be selfish of me. I used his therapy for 3 weeks and I got cured and now I have no symptoms of MS .I urge you all having MS,ALS, and Parkinson to give him a try at peterwiseherbalcenter@ Gmail. com or reach him directly on WhatsApp +23490 596 106 43 thank you
Nice article. thanks for share this. i like your blog commenting this post. we also provide essential oil supplies. for more information visit on our website.
I am very glad I came across this post and stopped to read it from beginning to end, as it left on a very positive note. I was in the beginning of my own journey with MS and the depression it's was giving me was unbearable , I found some encouragement from several blogs and last year in seeing Rochelle make her personal goals after overcoming the disease with natural medicine I have to tried it also .I’ve kind of resigned to the fact that this is how life will be for me back until I found herbs that stop this multiple sclerosis easily and relief all the Fatigue and other symptoms I was experiencing ,I’m passing this info to anyone at there because multivitamincare. org has the right cure and caregiver to this disease ….I took various supplements, medicine prescribed by neurologist,massage and physiotherapy still the disease is was progressing very fast until the the MS formula from that caregiver .
Thank you for sharing that detail.It was fascinating and insightful. Continue to share useful resources over these blogs...
Carrier oils
Essential oils
You can also try the hemp and CBD oils. Hemp oil benefits you with your pain relief. You can also check the CBD old which also has dedicated joint pain relief advantages.
My first symptoms of ALS occurred in 2014, but was diagnosed in 2016. I had severe symptoms ranging from shortness of breath, balance problems, couldn't walk without a walker or a power chair, i had difficulty swallowing and fatigue. I was given medications which helped but only for a short burst of time, then I decided to try alternative measures and began on ALS Formula treatment from Tree of Life Health clinic. It has made a tremendous difference for me (Visit w w w. treeoflifeherbalclinic .com ). I had improved walking balance, increased appetite, muscle strength, improved eyesight and others. ]
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Naturesnaturalindia which is one of the renowned online stores for people to buy Natural Essential Oils in India has come up with an extensive range of Natural Essential Oils online to explore and buy at attractive price points. It is the online store of one of the reputed Natural Essential Oil suppliers, manufacturers, and wholesalers in India.
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