Check out my daily journal as I enter into my April Reboot Program!
Caroline's Reboot Journal
Welcome to my ongoing journal about the transition into a new health program to manage multiple sclerosis. Due to various reasons my current program of vitamins is no longer available so I'm trying something new! I'm interested to see how my body responds. I am so happy to report that I am at an overall 6. Maybe a 7... So, Can I move from a 6 to a 10 on my wellness scale?
Join me and share your thoughts, stories, successes, failures, and adventures!
May 11
Happy Mothers Day!
Wow, I honestly can't believe it's the 11th already. Doing so much these days and feeling like I'm living life to the fullest I can within my health parameters.
Working Farmers a Market for La Canada Flintridge Chamber of Commerce |
I've had to watch my MS every day, but with the right attitude, nutrition, exercise, vitamins and essential oils, not to mentions awesome friends and family, I am rocking and rolling this month!

I'm really taking advantages of the breaks I get during the week. Small ones equal quiet time and rest. Big ones mean even bigger rests and fun distractions.
Trail along the lower Arroyo, Pasadena, CA |
This is one of my solutions: essential oils. From Spasticity to tremors to emotions, weakness and balance issues, I have found awesome answers.
Happy May Day!
Continuing my MSreboot, up and at em early, I'm off for some mediation and stretching....see you on the flip side!
Last day of April. I'm feeling my MSreboot and feeling good! Some issues are still not changing, ie my vision seems to be getting worse. And hot flashes which I'm having one right now. But I've learned a lot:
my new vitamins are working! Will take new blood tests in about a month to check numbers but feeling good and easy to digest.
essential oils are working! Been using my MS protocol Blend and others. Especially the diffuser. Love the diffuser. And oil on the bottom of the feet. We use the bottom of the feet because of use nerve endings and ability for quick absorption.
Yoga, walking, exercise are working! Use it or lose it if we have the choice. Man if I don't exercise I lose it so fast. Stretching, bath tub yoga, physical therapy, awareness. This is all good.
Diet and nutrition: I'm feeling much more sensitive to salt and meat. Processed foods were already a bad one but the meat and salt are very inflaming to me.
Weather. It's getting warm out. Time to reduce internal inflammation. Time for cooling foods and continuation of my April MSreboot.
This has been and will continue to be a great learning experience. While I'm feeling a bit MSie right now, it is due mostly to unneeded stress. I have a few tasks that need doing and feeling a bit overwhelmed. But for now, meditation, breathing and morning stretches. Let's do this!
Been on them almost a month. I'm not the most consistent in taking them but pretty good. And I'm feeling good. Considering how much I did this weekend. Wow feeling good and Proud of myself. It was just two years ago that I did the same fishing clinic followed by photographing a horse show. I was exhausted and ended up in bed for a month. I'm better at planning. And better at managing this MS.
Today is Monday. Compassionate Monday as I call it. Lots to do but not get overwhelmed. Meeting with some interesting folks today so we will see where the day takes us going on a walk this morning with a friend. Then a couple of meetings and some graphic deadlines.
I feel about a 6 today for my MS but not bad considering the level of activities I did over the weekend. But get back to a seven!
Time for some juicing...vitamins, stretching yoga, water....froends, family, love and compassion!
Man did I put in a full day! Wiped out! Peppermint oil on feet. Aroma touch on sore muscles. And slow to get out of bed. Went to church and out to breakfast. Came home and rested. Then met a new friend with some dogs that need watching on occasion. You know how I love me some dogs! After meeting my new canine friends, I ran some errands and stopped at one of my favorite patios and had a pint of ale. Tasted nice and felt good to relax. Home for an early dinner and evening. Bed by 9! I must have needed it. Slept well and woke up feeling pretty rested.
Now to rest up for Bingo BBQ Fundraiser for La Canada Flintidge Tournament of Roses! Oh these tired legs and body. I went into convulsions/dry heaving. Typical MS for me when I've overdone. And I am plumb tuckered out. I rubbed my neck with aroma touch, put breathe on my chest and peppermint oil on the soles of my feet. This wind is kicking up pollen which is just making the whole random MS even more random.

What a day! And it's only half over. Hung out with my fishing buddies and met new funds. Love it! The fly girls. Watch out we come.
This is always a great clinic. Third year and I'm always learning something. It's also a fundraiser for Cast for Recovery, a great program for breast cancer patients.
The pasadena casting club is located in the beautiful south arroyo in Pasadena, California.
Slept hard for sure. Not waking up. Put some zendocrine oil on my feet to help sooth my organs after a couple of days of salty, fatty food and some wine. The zendocrine is a good detoxifier.
Woke up with a really stuffy nose. Probably from playing with all of my oils yesterday. I immediately put some Breathe on my chest to clear up my congestion.
Today I have a fly fishing clinic. And then a BBQ bingo event for our local Tournament of roses. I could have fallen to sleep a little earlier. Am not feeling rested and legs are trashed from MS.
In a few I will take a bathe and do some stretching and bath tub yoga. My legs feel like they are on fire. But a little massaging and some oils in the muscles and nerves will do the trick.
Took a much needed chill day. Got a lot of work done but MS was starting to take over my body. Weakness. Fatigue. Life catching up. A nap. Errands. Lots of things checked off my list. Watched some Heartland and played with my essential oils. Doing research and testing products. Made healthy dinner of seafood and steamed veggies with a brown rice medley. Must say I Slept hard....
Me and my girls with MS before and after some essential oils
Wowza! Feeling the MS a bit this morning after such a long day and man did I sleep hard! I enjoy that feeling when both physical and mental tiredness match. That's a tough goal for anyone especially those with MS.
Earth Day! Time for a spring fling and MSreboot!
Slept amazing. No pain! Had to be the deep blue oil I used on my sore spots. Diffused some serenity and frankincense. And slept slept slept. A good thing, too, as I have a nice big day today. First off is a networking event at 7:30. Then a meeting at 10 then back to work before my workshop tonight on spring cleaning with essential oils.
This little saying just keeps me going all day! Just love it, especially when things get tough.
I am impressed with my vitamins. Honestly have to felt or looked this good since my MS. I am Feeling holistically sound. A more wholesome approach to being. And it feels so good.
When I start thinking of too much work. Or too many expectations, I inhale some soothing oils and refocus my brain and emotions. It amazes me how much my mind body soul responds to essential oils, but they do, and all for good reasons. I can wake up, maintain, fall sleepy, feel better, remove pain....all without the use of OTC drugs. I'll take this clean living all day long.
The juicing doesn't hurt either! Cucumber, apple, pear, and black radish....yum!
9:45am. Been up and at em for while. Getting chores done after big family Easter. What a great day but I'm definitely ready for a break today. Though not sure when I'm going to get it. Tomorrow is a bug day as well so need to prep today for tomorrow. And, it's already 9:45 am.
I rubbed some peppermint on my feet today. Feeling the zing. But wanting more. Infused with frankincense and lime. Invigorating and cleansing.
I've been feeling amazing in some ways. Usual MS in others. The pain is here but dies help if rub some deep blue or aroma touch on the areas. Balance seems better, for now. Each day is still too different to be consistent. A walk would be nice today. Very nice. In fact, that's what I'm going to do....take a walk...get outside. Work can wait. Health is most important. And my well being will gain plenty for a Fresh walk.
Catch you on use flipside!
Happy Easter!
Last night my legs were tingling big time. You know that MS feeling. Nerves a trembling, muscles a spasm. Rubbed
frankincense on my feet and diffused MSoothing Oil in the air along with rubbing it down my neck and temples.
Slept like a log! Barely woke up, just to pee, then moved back to restful sleep. Woke up feeling rested and ready for the Easter Bunny.
I am also using headache blend for my tremors in my neck and other painful, weak places with spasms. Love it! A lot better than the klonopin the doctor wants me to take. We will keep trying this and find some natural solutions.
Here's to #MSreboot and more!
7:13am reading, writing, internet, friends, family. And not in that order. That's my morning routine! And today, time for some bunny yoga before farmers market!
Recover day! After a day like yesterday I need a recover day. I rubbed peppermint oil on the souls of my feet. What a morning zinger! During the day I used my special MSoothing blend of oils to keep my nerves and nervy in check. Last night, bathed in some MSoothing Oil, then diffused Frankincense while I read to sleep. Love frankinsence for so many reasons. After that I switched to purify. When I'm running hard and low, it's best to keep either protective blend or cleansing blend in the diffuser to keep the air clean.
In addition to resting up it was a great day to dry eggs and make Easter cookies for the family! It about wore me out but after a great night sleep, I am ready for today!
What a crazy busy day!
7:30am board meeting. 9am dental appointment. Two more errands before making it back to office. Work work work. Another meeting at 5:30pm then a final meeting at 7pm. Home by 9 and ready for bed! This girl with Ms pushed hard but made it through. Healthy eating and some uplifting essential oils helped me be effective yet calm during the day. The frazzled were not there! Yay for no frazzles.
Are your taxes done?
Least of my worries. More concerned about feeling even healthier with my MS. Even the children were finding oils to help. The diffuser was a big hit and as we know the oils are natural. Naturally made and naturally easy to sell. They have a purpose. And they work.
We had a full day of reupholstering some furniture, making samples, shopping, wildflower watching, chatting and grabbing some healthy eats for my friends. My MS has been feeling pretty good. Eyes and vision are tired at times. Legs tingling and quivering. Still working on the right nutritional mix.
10:15 am
Beautiful day yesterday driving up California coast to Templeton, my home away from home. Spending time with friends is one of the best medicines for MS. Along with good food and laughter. I woke up a little inflamed as I ate a bit of meat, bread and cheese yesterday. Along with a big glass of wine. Today had coffee. NOT MS friendly foods! Today, drinking lots of water with lemon. And vitamins and healthy veggies and fruits.
Feeling a little shaky but that's my fault. When we don't manage our Ms even for one day, we pay the price. Today it's back to normal. Or back to MSreboot!
I massaged my MSoothing oil blend into my neck and used breathe to open my sinuses and my senses. Better than any coffee. Sometimes I wish I didn't like tannins as in black coffee and red wine. My teeth would prefer it! They do get stained a bit.
Yesterday we drove up all over, picking up free used furniture for my friends new upholstery projects. Pretty exciting! I love watching friends fall into their passions. I love that feeling myself and believe I have found it with my GirlwithMS, the essential oils, and holistic living for better well being.
Today is a work day. Getting stuff done then we will prep for my spring fling this evening! Food, wine, and essential oils. Time to learn how to find a better level of well being!
I'm offering two more spring flings on April 22! Plus a chance to get cleansed and restored!

Wow. It's Saturday! How's it going everyone? Rebooting that MS out the door?
I had some technical difficulties and had to retire my trustee Mac PowerBook from years ago. It failed during a presentation. Blinked twice then went night night. Hard drive it ok and I'm backed up but the process of setting up a new computer does take time.
It would take less time if I wasn't so distracted with my essential oils, nutrition, Ms and upcoming events. Distracted In a good way!
Made lots of samples, set up several events and shared some gifts with potential wellness advocates.
We are continuing our April #MSreboot camp. I've been making my goals each week and appreciate having written them down, as small as they may seem, but the accountability really helps.
I've also started a new detox program which begins April 22. Join me!
8:40 pm. A good full day. Started with a meeting. Ended with a meeting. Volunteer work and client work, appreciate it all. Without volunteers we wouldn't have community. I love community.
Feeling pretty good but ready for bed. Just rubbed some MSoothing blend on the so,es of my feet and pulse points.
Been setting up Spring Fling workshops and more. Getting samples together, pamphlets, cards, you name it. Ideas a plenty and loving every minute of it!
Having numbness and tingling in right leg. Lower leg. More of a pulsation than a tingle. There is a difference. Going to rub some oils on it and see if it soothes the nerves. Curious to find out. Ooooh. Better already. Massaged some MSoothing Blend into calf. Feels amazing. Going to go rub it on other sore parts. Left hip. Left leg. Right thigh....
7am. Early morning full of meetings and agendas! Slept so hard. Am now diffusing some MSoothing Blemd and sipping a cup of coffee. Time to wake up!
Have some fun marketing projects, community stuff, setting up wellness clinics and running errands! It's a great day so far. Let's keep it that way!
Talk about a full day! Helped mom give a presentation on Israel to a group of ladies. Then helped my friend give a presentation at night about our local trails history. Full day of laptops and projectors!
I planned four events for Ms, nutrition and oils! Loving sharing what I'm learning with everyone. I used my MSoothing blend of oils for most of the day. Diffusing and wearing on temples, neck and feet.

The fact is, we all need sometimes is someone to believe in us. I went back to my Dr. From USC yesterday and am feeling so good it's amazing. There's just something sorry of magical about this place. They understand MS. They
Understand me. Yay USC! And team Leslie P Weiner!
So, Dr Weiner suggested I try taking small doses of klonopin during the day to help my tremors. No one has recommended this before. So I'm trying it! Making me a little dopey during the day but well give it a good month or so and see how I adjust. He told me my half a pill dosage was less than they give babies!
And then he asked me some great questions about my horrible DR experience a few months ago when someone told me he didn't think I had MS. "Did this DR actually examine you? Did he read your records?" Yes, to the tune of three visits, $300 plus $2000 in new MRIs! At least I'm getting answers now.
9:30pm. Wrapping up a full day. So tired, waiting to crash as soon as my light goes off...and here I go....
Been awake for about an hour. Needed to pee, yet again. The body feels much better then when I fell asleep six hours ago. Much of the pain is finally gone. The fire subdued. Now my legs just feel like stretched out taffy, hanging limp on the bone.
When my legs, or any physical part of me goes, as they trying to do right now, it's beneficial to focus on what my mind can do. And there is Good stuff on the horizon today including several fun projects. My trusty computer of six years crashed. Bought a new one so time to get it organized. Quite stoked about it. Always nice to take advantage of a new beginning.
I'm planning a class on redoing ones medicine cabinet while learning about essential oils. And working on a couple of workshops for MS and nutrition. MSreboot camp is oming along and greatly enjoying the new folks I have met through this project!
AND, I am going to see Dr Weiner from USC today! This is amazing. 13 years since I was so sick I couldn't walk unassisted. Couldn't see unassisted. This is best news ever. Will keep you posted.
In the meantime, finding a little rest with a Xanax blend for sleep. Not freaking out but just plain tired...and I love this blend!
And wow is this blend strong...eyelids folding fast. Calm settling the nerves. Fingers collapsing from fatigue. Mind body and soul on slow track for rest and rejuvenation. Can I stay awake long enough to plug in my ipad...night night all. Night night.
7:30am and the alarm is screaming! Oh boy. I new I would be tired but I feel like concrete. A mass of concrete stuck on this bed. How am I going to move? No choice! Today is MS Walk Southern California in Pasadena at the Rose Bowl.
After the race, still looking for my tribe |
Team Boulevard 34 |
I basically down a couple cups of coffee and some water. 8:30. Get dressed, get water, and head out the door in time to meet my group at 9am.
But I can't find my group. Waiting an hour by the registration and never found them. BUT I had a great great time and enjoyed the scenery.
I actually can't believe I walked in this relatively warm weather, over three miles, after standing around for an hour in The sun. I am attributing my training schedule of walking and my MSreboot camp! I've been working on making choices for positive change. These include more regular walks. Juicing, food as medicine approach, and my trusty collection of oils and potions.
After the walk, in Montrose |
Not MS healthy but awfully tasty after the walk! |
Just got out of the bath soaking with Epsom salts, frankinsence, and wild orange. My legs were so inflamed today! First off I had Mexican food lady night with a friend and stayed up way too late. 2am when I forced myself to turn off the light.
Wall of Hope! |
Following the happy face...always following the happy face. |
Getting started. Lots of folks! |
When that alarm went off. I immediately started diffusing Elevate and Purify to get myself ready for the day. Now, the end of the day, I am diffusing purify, helichrysum and frankinsence for a good night sleep.
Forcing myself to stay awake until 9pm, the toxins from my muscles and body started sweating out of my legs as The deep blue rub went deep. It felt strangely good. Had jolts of pain that shot through my hips and back of legs. Especially left hip. Eventually the body relaxed and fell into a comfortable sleep.
Nice peaceful morning. Doing lots of research on my ipad and writing for my blog. Also working on several protocols in nutrition and oils to help with some clients.
My laptop crashed bad yesterday. Let's just say old Mackie won't even start up in safe mode. Uh oh! Will find out more today after my Apple appointment. I'm not wanting to purchase a new laptop but fear it may be in my near future. It is what it is. No use wanting precious energy on it.
Energy. And time. My two most precious assets. How do I maximize them to Keep my life fulfilled while staying healthy? By managing my MS to the fullest.
Join me for my FREE April #MSreboot Camp.
We are working together to reach goals and make a positive change in our lives. Email me at thegirlwithms (at) gmail . Com. Or call me at
818-585-5660 to get started.
More information
click here
8:31pm. Early to bed but after a nice long productive day it feels right! Took a long soaking bathe while diffusing Basil essential oil. Slept like a baby for two hours then woke up. Wasn't even midnight. Decided to sip up and read for a bit. Rubbed some frankinsence on the soles of my feet and diffused it into room. Fell back to sleep within the hour and had a pretty restful night. I had to keep going to the restroom to pee but that's pretty normal. I drank a lot of water before bed. Maybe not the best thing but I was thirsty!
The cooling effects of basil reduced the flaming fire in my legs. The tp frankinsence helped and all was good. No restless legs. No pain. OK, I'll take that mix again!
5:00am. Who turned the fire on in my legs? And why today and no other day this week? Diet. It has to be a, the only thing different is that I ate steak, creamed vegetables, salad and greasy garlic bread plus scalloped potatoes. Out to dinner rat an English pub type restaurant and I let my tastebuds overrule healthy eating and boy am I laying the price. Legs are so inflamed and on fire.
I immediately rubbed some essential oils on my abdomen, lower back. Then started diffusing some protective blend In The air. Next time I will rub some deep blue on the muscles to get them singing a good way! Time to turn off this fire! Man, from one bad choice at dinner and now I need to recoup this morning and rebuild.
Productive happy day the wham, peed in my pants. Love Ms. Really. Just love this illness. Continuing with my vitamins and been good about juicing. Walked about 2.5 miles today. Getting stronger!
Wrapped up the evening with some episodes of Heartland on netflix. Family type show which I got into a while ago. Just in season three but progressing.
5:11pm. Getting things done!
And feeling good. Really good. Went on a stroll this morning. At an
average of 32 minute mile, well, we're not really booking it. Gives us time to watch for wildlife. And to chat. Who's in a rush anyway? Not this GirlwithMS!
Came home and had some fresh juice.
Ran several errands, checked things off, started new things. Finished old.
My new MS protocol with Essential oils is on its way! Psyched to try these out in a new way:
What a fulfilling day! Had a free workshop online for folks joining me with an MSreboot for April. This lasted about an hour and we worked on goals and steps to reach them. Loved the interaction!
I then joined a webinar for essential oils. Yes, I am a bit fascinated by them but if they work who am I to argue. I need their help. And so do others! Someone just heard about me and wants to sell my oils. Love it! Share the love.
Received my Race to Erase MS tee shirt today. Love it! Had to take the awkward selfie...
Just had Delish Papukea burger (Swiss/mushrooms) at North Shore In La Canada. Veggie style this time. And a fat tire pint of ale. Just sounded good! Been juicing, watering, eating healthy. But today, I'm craving big food, so I grabbed it.
Starting my new vitamins today as part of my #MSreboot.
7:13am April fools day! And I hope to have no pranks played on me.
Woke up a bit tired from the fun evening last night. Went right for the diffuser and added some protective blend. Then dabbed a bit of it on the bottoms of my feet. Then I started working, in bed, sipping my black unleaded coffee. The taste strong and lingering.
The morning sped by at alarming speed. Much has been accomplished but wanting faster hands, slower time, less ideas...well, not really. Learning to live in balance is key with MS. Finding just enough work to keep you mentally and physically challenged but not too much that you are fatigued.
As the morning progressed I moved to peppermint in the diffuser and on my soles. And, the back of neck, strained enhanced by use of ipad. Wowza. That was a wake up! Love this peppermint. My feet are ever so tingly and not in an MS way.
Join me tonight and we can discuss further!
Are you ready for an MSreboot? Join me online tonight 4/1 at 5pm PDT:
1. Please join my meeting, Apr 1, 2014 at 5:00 PM PDT.
2. Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a headset is recommended. Or, call in using your telephone.
+1 (267) 507-0007
Access Code: 613-204-589
Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting
Meeting ID: 613-204-589
Online Meetings Made Easy®
Time for bed! Long, fun evening at friends house. Cards, wine, good eats and laughter. The best medicine. As part of my reboot program, I'm paying special attention to my skin and have started using a Foaming Face cleanser. I use it with my Mia and love the combination. Skin feels refreshed afterwards.
7:31 am
After solid night sleep and plenty of rest, woke up ready to face the day! What to do first? Write. Check emails. Diffuse protective blend and get the mind revved up.
I am loving the sleep I've been getting lately. This is new to me. Waking up rested. Wow. Didn't know that could happen. Only change I've made is using essential oils to help find balance in my life. Well, the foot rub last night put my body into a much needed restful sleep. Woke up to the faint hint of clove and wild orange as the protective blend oil blend worked its magic from the souls of my feet to the inner cored of my brain. I can feel it! And I'm ready to go. Bring it on Monday. I can do this!
A morning rose for us all...
8:30 pm. Oh so tired! In a good way physically. Mentally. Seems awfully early to go to bed but I'm not fighting it. I started my MS protocol and used protective blend on my feet last night to ward off evilness. It worked! Slept like a baby, woke up several times but drifted back to sleep. The aroma of the protective blend seeped through my skin and the faint smell hovered about this morning. It was nice. In fact I stared the day with an infusion of protective blend in my diffuser. Not sure how I lived without this thing?!
Lots of good stuff on the agenda tomorrow. Now, for some restful sleep.
Another restful sleep. While it was not a continuous sleep through the night, felt rested and rejuvenated when I woke at 7am. I had awaken several times during the night to pee. Just Part of the MS. But time to get moving. First thing, drink several glasses of water. I drink it during the night. Not sure what is making me so thirsty and will look into that today.
Next, I turn on my diffuser. I'm using protective blend again. ANd I made some household cleaner with the protective blend. Love it!
Homemade All Purpose Household Cleaner:
1 Cup distiller water
1 tbls castille soap. I use Dr. Bronners Liquid. Flavored or clear.
10+ drops essential oil blend, protective blend
Mix in spray bottle and clean away! If using larger spray bottle, adjust recipe accordingly.
Let me know how you like it!
IThe sweet wild orange and clove is soothing to my nerves and mind. I make strong, black decaf coffee. Very dark. It's just me here, I can make it as I please. And oh it's rich and dark! The sludge fills my body. Well, yes, herbal tea could've been healthier, but there is something about early mornings, thick, black coffee and the sound of birds chirping their way through life.
As some of you know I am on the board of directors for our La Canada Flintridge Tournament of Roses. We are one of a few small cities left who build their own float for the annual Pasadena Rose Parade. Its a great community event. Here I am hanging with. Some local peeps and politician, Anthony Portantino. Love this town! I've known little Andy here for some 45 years. We're not so little anymore!
Ate plenty at the Happy Hour. Delicious food from all over. A pot luck style. I brought egg rolls but one set made all veggie and the other with BBQ chicken, cabbage and cilantro. Made a pineapple, jalapeño, cilantro sauce with rice wine vinegar and sesame oil. Delish!
Woke up around 9:20 last night when bed started rolling around like a freight train. I struggled to wake my tired eyes. Earthquake, no doubt. But is it big enough to warrant getting out of bed? Not for this So Cal girl. As I wait for the rolling to end and listen for sounds of disaster, none came. The silence was strong. Time to go back to sleep. And sleep I did!
I've had some of the best, restful sleep I've had in awhile. I'm using an herbal diffuser at night with protective blend essential oils. It's a cleansing purifier, taking toxins out of the air. Well, whatever it is doing, it's working! Sleeping like a baby. Not stressing when I wake up at 3am. Falling back to sleep. Waking rested and ready for the day! Wow, can't actually believe it. But this stuff really works!
So what's on the agenda today this beautiful Saturday?
I could go to farmers market. One of my favorites, but if have a bit of produce left from last week. I need veggies for juicing so may pick some up there or go to the market.
12:09pm. Incorporated great pick me up blend of oils into my daily routine. Talk about feeling revived! Used lavender, lemon and peppermint. Ten drops each in glass of filtered water. Ok, my new morning pick me up! It's considered good for allergies and I can see why. It's like taking a shot of clarity.
I juiced early on. And drank herbal tea of pomegranate and lemon and several glasses of water.
I even made some gluten free hot cereal from Bobs Red Mill. Love this stuff! All in all ,had a good day so far with nutrients and feeding the body, mind and soul. Here's to continuing the trend!
And then ran errands to OSH, aka orchard home supply. Picked up some canning goods and couldn't resist these patriotic candies made in the USA.
A long day and I hit the sack early last night. After a fulfilling dinner of home made Thai chicken soup I settled into the computer to wrap up some projects. I decided to infuse the air with protective blend It diffused as I slipped into a solid sleep last night and is diffusing as we speak, purifying the air around me. While it's purifying, I am sipping on Bragg's cider water. Detoxing all the way around!
I woke up in the middle of the night, to go pee, then fell right back to sleep. Woke up a few hours later, same reason, but peacefully fell back to sleep before waking for the day. It's a wonderful feeling, being able to wake then sleep and not up have the stresses of the day irritate your sleep patterns. Woke again at 6am and bam, decided to hit the day running. Well, jogging may be a better word, but feeling the love and energy today. Lots to get done! Starting taxes, working with clients, prepping for a networking event and hitting some household chores. My room looks like a bomb went off. Time to get this mess in order. At least I don't mind a mess too much. It's not something that's going to get on my way of getting things done. This was a big lesson to learn, that while our outside looks messy our insides are quite orderly. I used to get quite stressed if all of my ducks weren't in a row. But now, I know my ducks are there and will come when I whistle. No need to keep them or me on a short leash. What's on your agenda today? 3/27Wow. Woke up at 5:30am crystal clear. What is this about? The essential oils? I'm not sure but will keep you posted. Physically I felt sluggish. Mentally, ready to go! Cranked on a bunch of work that by 8am was ready for a break. Loving this day! Started:
- detox blend - Doing some detoxing before I start my MS protocol on 1 April
- Lemon pomegranate tea - 5-drops lemon essential oil, pomegranate tea leaves, tablespoon of locally produced klauses bee honey.
- Got Moving! Went for 2 mile walk. Took me forever to return up the BIG hill on the way home. Ugh. Need more physical energy.
- Increased herbal tea, Bragg's vinegar water
- Juiced