Another MSontheRoad adventure! This time to Sunny Southern California.
I just met an amazing group of women, Moms with MS in Rancho Cucamonga. I learned so much from them and left feeling inspired. And then they termed me a Motivational Muse! How cool is that? Gave me goose bumps and all.
While this is a group for moms with MS it was great to see a supporting husband in the mix. Two women were recently diagnosed, within the past couple of months. It's been twelve years since my diagnosis. Another lady was diagnosed eighteen years ago. The years make quite a difference from that initial shock to eventual comfort and ability to laugh at this disease. The years have also provided a plethora of new medicines and knowledge.
Since I don't drive much with my MS, I headed east on Metrolink. Got a lift to Union Station, Los Angeles, with my dad.
Driving past the turn off Dodger Stadium. Funny how I get anxious just looking at this photo. Country lanes are so nice...
Union Station is an architectural gift. Didn't capture it this trip but some feeling of this landmark.

Public transit rocks! But I forgot to use my disabled placard for the discount.

The Los Angeles River along the freeway.

Nice to see folks unplugged.

I arrive! My twitter friend, @redheadnut was waiting for me. Our first meet up and it was amazing!
And off we went to the Rancho Cucamonga Family Resource Center to meet the Moms with MS.
MS is challenging enough. Throw in children and that's a whole different story. Its one thing when a person with MS can take a "me" day. Or just some "me" time. But MSrs with children don't have that option. Children are demanding no matter how perfect they can be. Well once a month these moms can get together to vent, cry, laugh and be with someone who truly understands.
The group was founded by Kim Zolotar and AnaMarie Strand a couple of years ago. Both with MS, both with different symptoms. Typical for MSrs as we know.
True inspiration. Moms with MS plus me. I have nephews and can relate to 1/10th of what these women have gone or are going through. Feeling very blessed to have heard their stories.
The first part of the session was interesting question and feedback throughout the group. Especially the newly diagnosed which is always great for us old timers to hear. To remind us what it felt like in the beginning. And to be able to provide support, information and help.
The challenges of motherhood were apparent. The discussion lively and filled with support.
Then I came on board with my workshop on "Managing MS like Managing an iPhone Battery". A casual discussion on tools we can use to preserve our delicate Ms batteries. These ladies had some great I put!

I got a lot of great feedback from the ladies. One of the best ideas was to remember we need to not only have Plan A but Plan B and Plan C with MS being so random and all. Now trying to explain that to a four year old, well, that's just difficult.
We also discussed the importance of taking Disease Modifying Drugs (DMDs) such as Copaxone, and how it's helpful and healing for us to know that we are doing something for our disease. Copaxone is a popular shot used for MS. I was on it when first diagnosed and I know that feeling. I was eager for any help. Give me any opportunity to not have to go through this hell again.
It's not only drugs and medicine that can make us feel like we're doing the right thing. Massage. Nutrition. Taking time to smell the roses. Reducing life stressors. Retiring. Learning to live on a shoestring. Many, many life choices affect our health. This group gets that concept and it was refreshing to hear their ideas, solutions and issues.
Moms with MS is a support group that meets the second Tuesday each month from 12:00pm - 2:00pm in Rancho Cucamonga, California. Some folks drive as far as Victorville to attend. And I can see why. I walked away feeling inspired and wanting a similar group within my community.
And as if that wasn't enough. Feeling inspired, grateful and now a "Motivational Muse", my friend and I went to explore some of Rancho Cucamonga.
She took me to one of her favorites, the Wine Tailor. If you are into wine, I highly recommend it. The patio is just lovely and I believe that have music and events at night. We grabbed some cheese and fruit from the market next door and enjoyed some lovely wines and great discussion.
Time flew by as it does when life is good. I had an event in the evening and needed to return and my lovely friend drove me back to the homestead under a pretty amazing sky.
When I hit the pillow that night I was equally both physically and mentally exhausted. Not to the point that I would be wiped out the next day but sleep came deep and long. Lingering in my dreams in the morning reminded me of how nice that feeling is, to be truly tired in so many aspects. Especially with MS.
It came up during our workshop. How often the body is failing us and the mind can't stop. Or vice versa. And how difficult it is to get a good night sleep. If we could just get a good night sleep....