April MS Reboot Camp with Caroline

OK, this is FREE to all my Twitter and FB friends and anyone that wants to join me for a body reboot session during the month of April.

Time to #MSreboot !

It's time to make some changes so I came up with the following resolution for myself. Make a list for yourself and join in the fun! You can share the list with us or keep it private. This free exercise is here to help you reach your goal.

  1. State overall goal & objective(s) What do you want to accomplish?
  2. Create list of April resolution(s) to reach this goal.
  3. Create journal. Daily, weekly, whatever suits you.
  4. Email your Reboot a Program to me at thegirlwithms (@) gmail.com or send it via Facebook or twitter
  5. Share your story via twitter, fB, Pinterest and more!
  6. #MSReboot
  7. Join in weekly group discussions. MORE TO COME ON THIS!
  8. Be accountable and see the Change.

Do you need help getting started? Just PM, email or call me at 818-585-5660.

FREE web based workshops!

Watch this spot for next time and date.

For Mondays workshop notes go here.


Join Me for a Positive Change!

I, ____________________, have agreed with my Self to create the following positive change(s) in my life for the month of April:

  1. Follow my newly created MS protocol with Lifelong Vitality Pack and essential oils from doTerra for 30 days, provide update at start, during and end.
  2. Get moving. Negative energy can build up quickly with our MS bodies in need of repair. Whether it's a car ride, a walk, a stroll, a wheel about, it's time to get my bum outside.
  3. Be aware of effective eating habits: seek high quality foods, minimal processing.
  4. Juicing, herbal teas, and water are part of the scene.
  5. Pamper my skin. As the largest organ of our body I abuse my skin terribly with sun and neglect. Awareness will help! So will doTerra Foaming Face wash and my Mia facial cleaner.

In order to reach my goal of: "Moving from a 6 to a 7 on my scale of 1-10."

My general concerns with my health:

  1. Balance issues
  2. Visual challenges
  3. Strength
  4. Fatigue
  5. Rapid aging
  6. Mindfulness
  7. Internal Toxicity
  8. Allergies

Today, I am feeling like a _____ on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being ideal.

By end of April, if not sooner, I want to feel like a _____ (insert your goal).


Keep a journal of your results! Been if its not every day, it will help by writing it down. Your symptoms, moods, energy.

And we will see, in thirty days, how I am feeling. While we watch my progression, I want hear about yours. What resolutions did you agree to? How are they going?

Need help getting started? Give me a holler via email or phone 818-585-5660.

And what would camp be without some fun prizes? I'm looking forward to sharing what I've learned about my new regime with those folks looking to better manage their MS. I already know that the essential oils are working. Will the vitamins hold their own when I make the switch? With this in mind, I have a special gift for participants. Join in and Let's do this together!


It's that easy!

Just make yourself a small list of resolutions and post them using #MSbootcamp

Why the change?

One of my favorite supplements, ShenTrition, has ceased making their protein powder with adaptogenic herbs. I used ShenTrition with success for over 8 years. But alas, time to find a new regime. With years of studying holistic nutrition and alternative healing techniques, I've developed the following plan for me. And the next thirty days will tell me if it's the right plan or not. Because I'm going in for the long haul...30 days.

For Reboot April, I'm coming up with a few new resolutions. I've been feeling better than ever and I attribute it to lifestyle changes and nutritional choices. But I feel like I can reach another level of health. There is more in me. An even healthier me.

Knowing that ShenTrition was ending I started looking for a new source of wellness. In addition I am tired of purchasing six different supplements. Is it possible to simplify and still get what I want? And I know what I want in supplements such as the omegas, essential herbs like turmeric, bromelain, and even bacopa, one of my favorites. And I found some! There are three of them and are made by doTerra: alpha CRS, MicroplexVM, and EOmega, all part of the Lifelong Vitality Pack. In addition I will be using the doTerra foaming face wash and will be following my MS protocol with essential herbs. This is what I am choosing to do to make a positive change. Your change doesn't need to be the same as mine, but we can share and be accountable to each other. That's what's important.




Danny said...

Botox works with the muscle mass below the skin, not the skin itself. That is why Botox Edmonton will refrain from doing away with deep folds in your skin. It loosens up the muscles, so your skin is not being moved as much.

Bio France Lab Retail said...

BioFranceLab [https://biofrancelab.com/] offers a range of special, premium products for all things anti-aging skincare. Bio France Lab ​is a purveyor of anti‐aging skincare products developed to eliminate signs of aging and improve health and appearance while maintaining a natural lifestyle. The company's main goals are to strengthen the body's capability to fight free radicals, thereby helping to prevent premature aging and aid in the signs of aging that come with everyday living