I really wanted a nice lazy morning with a black cup of coffee and nice eggs and bacon. Unfortunately it's all too fatty, salty and warming for me right now. Bummer! But I must listen to my body or pay the price. I'm paying a bit for last night as we were at a Tournament of Roses happy hour fundraiser and I ate so poorly. All the appetizers were fried, processed, salty. I devoured some celery, my body crying out for cooling, clean eating food. But generally it was not a meal for MS and here I am, Saturday morning NoT drinking my black coffee. And with that whine I'll be cooling the body and nerves with Mamaki tea from Hawaii. Love love love this stuff and off to make a cup. Hold this thought.
Time to start over...
Good morning!
It feels so darn good to be writing again, the cathartic release rushing through the bloodstream. It's only been a couple of days but the real pleasure comes with being able to sit down, relax, and fall into ones writing, putting all other concerns aside. I have been too hurried lately. And that's not how I want to live my life. MS taught me that much. And I have already made major decisions that will positively change this in the coming months. As we know with MS it's essential to set priorities and boundaries and to stick with them. I recently excused myself from a couple of positions to lighten up my load and I am taking a much needed vacation at home and spending time with friends and family - the important things. AND, Being mindful and growing ever more aware.And I am ever so mindful of the lovely Mamaki tea I am drinking. And aware as my body begins its shift from the MS blahs of this morning to a new level of clarity and inspiration. And check out the nutrient factor. Pretty cool: from www.miraclemamaki.com. I don't understand why crushed leaves would have no iron but whole or ground does. That will require some more investigation. In the meantime, it's interesting at least.
Do you know the Hawaiian Legend of Mamaki? Here's an earlier post about it on my blog: click here for GWMS and Mamaki Tea
Honestly after just one cup, I am feeling much better now than when I first woke up. In fact you can probably feel the energy of my writing change, from slow and sluggish to zippier with a touch of sunshine! I'm blaming the tea. Wow. OK. Sometimes it's easy to forget how little things, like a cup of Mamaki tea, can help tone the blood and mind pretty quickly.
I am also diffusing in my room. Ahhhhhh! And had several glasses of water. Feeling tons better than When I woke up.
Now of course I'm feeling much more excited and ready to hit the day. So much for my lazy day? Off to yoga, farmers market and anything else I can get into trouble with today.
We don't have tall buildings where I live but the weather isn't too bad today especially now that my internal heat just dropped by a few degrees.

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