Yoga, walk, shower, tea...I love mornings. Well, sometimes. They may be slow or painful, but as long as they keep coming, I'll take them. So random this MS. Yesterday was a tough day. Legs on fire, tremors a trembling. Energy, attention and focus was channeled for four hours of meetings. Then honestly, I was done. Sipped water, nerve-calming tea, and watched quiet, innocent television as my eyes were too tired to read. When the sentences start leaping off the page you know its time to stop.
I just couldn't take anymore interaction. Anymore sound. Anymore energy taken from me. I know my boundaries. I know that if I over do today I'm done for tomorrow.
This morning was completely different. Strong. Balanced. Calm. I practiced my morning yoga on the circle, accompanied by two dogs, overlooking the Arroyo. Followed by a dog walk and now sipping some tea. Basically, a gorgeous morning at a local retreat.
What causes the difference from one day to the next?
"No two the same." But how can we better manage our day to day life?
Everything adds up. Diet. Activity. Energy. State of mind. Stress level.
While I had been eating some needed calories and tasty food, the recent increased consumption of red meat, processed foods, caffeine, salt and gluten brought extreme inflammation to my whole body. In addition, I pushed myself last week at Hot Creek. Even though I was managing every aspect, it took a toll.
At Hot Creek, I found if I could "mind shift" into other states of mind, I could better manage my MS. In order to do this, I did quite a bit of resting poses, some yoga flows and meditations to work through the fatigue, clumsiness and nerviness.
Then I returned home to hours of meetings and tasks I wanted to get done but my body started to shut down. But this time I didn't turn to my mind shift options. I turned to Caffeine! Ugh and horrible I know but the coffee was flowing and so was I. Until I crashed. And crashed I did.
One bad choice and I paid the price.
I was talking to a good friend the other day about how I felt my bounce back has been improving. While I keep this image in my mind, heart and soul, I also acknowledge that I'm doing less and less at times. I feel its a continuous struggle, finding that balancing act between too much and not enough. Making every right choice or just being human.
Many folks want to write off my MS as returning to a mild form. Well, Its returning there for a reason.
YOGA. I can't say it loud or strong or often enough. The one thing that has worked better than anything other than my three F's (Faith, Family, Friends). YOGA.
I started way before I had MS. Not serious but got the basics. I continued throughout my MS. From physical to mental balance, everything could and does improve with my practices. Some days I can't stand too well. Others I'm balancing on one foot.
As long as I keep waking up. As long as I keep my Faith, Family and Friemds. As long as I watch my diet, my life style and embrace everything mind body and soul, them can I continue living. Yoga. Nutrition. Support. Food as Medicine. Vitamins, herbal supplements. The list goes on. Start with the basics and work the others in.
Maybe I can still walk because of the yoga and exercising. And because of all the minute details I manage. Some days I can't walk too well and I will fall and trip. My legs just now started to feel a little twangy so I poured a glass of pineapple juice. The bromelain is a natural antiinflammatory. It just sounded like to right choice.
"No two the same". Whether we are talking people or days. My goal, every day, is to manage my symptoms so I can have more consistent days.
So here. Here's to the three F's of Faith Family Friends. Here's to Yoga! Here's to trying everything, finding what works for you and for creating an MS plan that will help you live a more fulfilling life.

Thanks for your blog. I'm only a noob MS-er (in Australia), and yes... it's a one-day-at-a-time thing, it seems!
Here's to finding a plan that works for you. One thing you taught me through the last 6 years is listen to your body and how yoga helps with that. (((Hugs)))
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