Wow - My MS has been really bad this year. I thought it was just a cold or bug that was making it bad but it got really bad. Unfortunately the process is so cumbersome with my insurance that the soonest I can get in is end of May. So, the relapse is here, can't see a neurologist for months, what to do? Take care of it myself!
This is not a sponsored blog post - just my thoughts during this rough time with MS.
Thank you @PositiveLivingwithMS for this awesome Meme which seems to be so spot on!
Relapse! Relapses can happen when symptoms are exacerbated or worse, when new symptoms appear. This is what happened to me. My tongue felt like it was plugged into an electrical outlet. @RedheadNut - I finally know how this feels! Ugh - just make it stop.
Weebles Wobble. And then my balance went wonky. Did you know you could fall over in happy baby pose (ananda balasana)? Seriously? I was on my back. had my feet up then just lost it and rolled over like a turtle. Then I just lied there and enjoyed the feeling of being grounded and relaxed. Falling over in baby pose. Seriously.
Vertigo go go go away! WOW. It's been ages since it was this bad. I would stop walking and the room kept going. Like some horrid dream that wouldn't stop. I couldn't drive at all. Hid out and wrote and didn't do too much.
Mood swings and depression: Yep - both have been bad lately. This is why I'm starting a new Mini-ReBoot for May. 3-Days of guided nutrition/life coaching/inspiration/gentle exercise/meditation. Only $25 special - New Clients only. Limited space. We all need support while dealing with this insidious disease. Time to support each other and learn to thrive despite our MS. Join me!
So - I'm making changes to divert this relapse and send it away!
Do something you enjoy that is outside and safe. My friend took me riding which is something I can do when my MS acts up. And boy did I appreciate it. The movement, the connection, the energy. It was all so calming to my nerves - very energizing for mind, body and soul.
And then I went fly fishing at the LA River. Mainly for Carp and no, we don't eat them. Good practice for Redfish in Texas Gulf and other hunt able fish. Didn't venture out into the water too much because the rocks can be dangerous and did not have a walking/wading staff with me. Keep it safe but keep it fun!
Two more very important things to consider when the body is relapsing.
I did not use the heavy cream - FYI.
Remember to buy some crusty loaf of bread to dip in all of the wonderful juices!
Nom Nom!
Most importantly: Take care of yourself. Be gentle and kind. You did not ask for this disease and it is not an easy one. Work with family and doctors to find what is best for you.
Remember you are not alone.
And if you ever feel down or need a boost,
please contact me or reach out via social media @thegirlwithms.
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