Diapers? But I want to Snaughle with confidence!

Yes, really. Nervous bladder nelly here has recently been living in her disposable diapers and pads. These things are nasty for the environment. They must be. And if you wear one once but not soil it, well, that's kind of gross to reuse it. And then the red rash comes. I bathe. I clean. I dry. But one day in those disposable wraps will get me every time. Especially now that it's bikini weather.
But wait, I can't completely bash the disposables. Without them I would be a mess! Like just last week when I was serving jury duty in Burbank, California. Usually I have a doctors release. And I did this year. But it came the day after Memorial Day. How could I at least not try this year as I have been recently blessed with better days? Think of the hundreds of thousands of soldiers over the course of history and what they have done or are doing for their country. Time to step up to the plate Ms Craven. Time to step up to the plate.
Well I made jury duty and the case was dismissed by noon. Phew, I made it! And hadn't peed my pants. I took advantage of the restroom then went to my car and drove ten minutes to the Los Angeles River. And decided to do a little fly fishing. I wasn't really feeling it. Body and mind were out of sync. I watched the water for a bit. Made a few castes. Then headed back to car. Either way, Uh oh. Bad choice. Quickly I got to the front seat of my car. Time for the coffee cup. My bladder needed evacuating NOW! And I could tell the diaper wasn't going to hold it all. I hadn't had anything to drink. Where was this all coming from? So I tactfully positioned myself over the cup and then proceeded to overflow all over the front seat of the car. The diaper was used, the mess was mopped. Well, That was interesting. I cleaned myself off best I could and realized how thankful I was not to have been in the courtroom. Ack!

So, although my disposables have saved me time again, the desire for reusable protective underwear is intriguing. And now very accessible.
I am Excited to try something new!
I ordered the smooth and silky and the black lace ones. And for every pair I order, the company will donate $1 to the MSFoundation. Wahoo!
Check out this program with MS Foundation and Wearever:
This is great news! Talk about a win win for everyone. MS Foundation has partnered with Wearever this June to raise money to support MS Foundation’s efforts. Wearever is a health and wellness apparel brand with lines of incontinence underwear that assist those living with incontinence maintain their dignity while also being protective, comfortable and affordable. These innovative undergarments can be washed and re-used 250+ times, saving the user hundreds of dollars on disposables.
Wearever is donating $1 for every purchase of men and women’s undergarments made in June back to MS Foundation.
Thank you Wearever for helping us all with MS live a better live with our various illnesses. We appreciate you!This great program ends June 30 so let's all act today and see how we can help our bladders AND help others!
UPDATE: the panties came and I am sporting the smooth and silky as we speak. Go ahead, make me laugh and snaughle! While I know the underwear won't hold a pint I do know that I can leak with confidence! And that's a huge confidence builder. In fact I'm going a walk right now and now plastic diaper on my bum.
Thank you MS Foundation for all you do to help us With MS. Check out their website and to see all the great events, research and activities going on around the U.S.
Let's do this!
HI Ben,
I find that I continence comes with Bad MS days for me. Some days I can go freer without orient. Some days I can't make it across the hall. Craziness. Some folks with MS have it all the time and I know a few that had good results from using Botox in their bladder. Sounds weird but it worked. Diet helps a lot too. Caffeine, salt, sugar all encourage peeing in my opinion.
Good luck and let me know how it goes!
That's workable for bladder issues. MS causes me to have bowel accidents. They are messy because I had bowel resection surgery mine are loose and run down my legs. I have yet to find adult underwear designed to meet my needs.
try the https://shopperiodpanties.com for discounts on pee panties.
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