Why can't we sleep?
There is no real reason other than MS as to why I have sleep issues but it's amazing how I can mess myself up!Here I am in the beautiful Eastern Sierras listening to Bishop Creek as it riffles by below the cabin. My current view:

On vacation but with a few minor projects and tasks to tend. But not enough to keep me awake all morning. The first night I was exhausted and fell asleep at 9pm when my head hit the pillow, awaking at 4am, which did constitute seven hours of sleep. But I didn't want to be awake at 4am.
So last night I aimed to stay up later thinking I could get seven hours and wake at a reasonable time. Now as the day progressed, after some time in the warm Bishop sun, some fly fishing and some creative cooking, I thought to myself, you are at 8,500' altitude, "Go fill up your water glass". Yes, I thought this often, every time I opened another beer.
I even thought of the magnesium supplement, magneleveux, in my bag, as I opened another beer.
Daydreaming, sketching, visualizing, I had a fun night, as I opened another beer.
Exactly what NOT to do with MS!
Sure, I stayed up until midnight, then woke up at 4:38am. Bing! And I'm awake. The need to pee and the incessant leg spasticity kept me squirming all morning long. The 42 degrees winding through the window bringing with it the sound of the creek was my saving grace. Ugh. I know better. I did take 1/2 a klonopin and a melatonin before going to bed. And another half of klonopin in am when couldn't fall back to sleep.
Three glasses of water later, a banana, magnalevure and some Shen Trition, and this Girl with MS is finally feeling a little better.
What I could have done:
- Enjoyed the great healthy dinner we had (micro greens, salmon, veggies)
- Dry brushed my legs
- Took a not to hot bath
- Read a book
- Wrote in blog
Yes, these are all better choices then the one I made. So, live and learn. Let go and let God as they say.
This all inspired me to do some researching on sleep and MS. Here is some of what I found:
This is a great summary from WebMD of what can cause folks with MS to have restless sleep: Multiple Sclerosis and Sleep
Life aspects that can effect sleep patterns in those with MS:
- Stress
- Anxiety
- Eating
- Drinking
- Nutritional health
- Age
- Physical activity
- Mental activity
- Spasticity
- Depression
Time to change our habits!
Food suggestions:
Small bananas are good: (they still contain sugar so small is better before sleep)
"Combining the amino acid tryptophane with carbohydrates as well as calcium and magnesium can help your brain relax and your body nod off to sleep."
And the magic of oatmeal can make the difference of a more restful sleep pattern:
"Calcium has been proven to help the brain use and process tryptophan, while magensium, a natural sedative, acts as an "assistant" to calcium helping it to be absorbed into your system."
Check out more Foods to eat before bedtime from The Health Central Network
There are other things too. This is just a start!
There is Proof that sleep patterns affect MS!
If you've been having sleep issues and feeling more fatigued, there is proof that the two go hand in hand.
Check out this study: "Treatment of sleep disorders can improve fatigue and other clinical outcomes in MS."
“@MSBuzzNews: Multiple Sclerosis Research: Treatment of sleep problems reduces fatigue: Epub: Côté et al. Impact of sleep diso... http://t.co/f68LV6M8”
Ok kids. There is more to come on this and would like your thoughts but there's a high Sierra creek calling my name....
I seem to have a daily battle with sleep...I try to stay up til midnight then hope to sleep to 7am...a nice 7 hours but it is not easy
Sleeps a tough one. I'm happy with seven but doesn't happen too often.
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